Wednesday, January 9, 2008

New Recall of Certain Lots of Mexican-style Chili Beans, Green Beans and Dark Red Kidney Beans

New Era Canning Company of New Era, Michigan is announcing a new recall to include Mexican style chili beans, green beans, and dark red kidney beans that were shipped to food service and retail customers because a records review identified the possibility that a small number of cans from each lot may not have been adequately cooked.

New Era is recalling these products as a precautionary measure because cans of vegetables that have not been adequately cooked have the potential for the growth of Clostridium botulinum, a bacterium which can cause botulism, a potentially fatal form of food poisoning. Botulism can cause the following symptoms: general weakness, dizziness, double-vision and trouble speaking or swallowing. Difficulty in breathing, weakness of other muscles, abdominal distension and constipation may also be common symptoms. People experiencing these symptoms should seek immediate medical attention. The incubation period can be 2 hours to 2 weeks; in most cases the symptoms appear after 12 to 24 hours.

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